"My reading with Andre was everything I was looking for, and more. The Birth Chart Reading Andre provided for me gave me such deep insights into myself, both cosmically and in a very practical way too. The information and light provided by his reading gave me clarity in areas of my life and personality that resonated deeply and helped me to foster a deeper sense of love and compassion for myself. Through Andre's loving and knowledgeable guidance, I was able to see clearly my greatest strengths, my obstacles to overcome, and my "True North." This reading has resonated with me and continues to teach me, long after our time together. I would highly recommend Andre and his professional, kind, compassionate guidance through your unique birth chart. What a beautiful compass this has provided for me. Thank you!"

- Christine Fogarty-Hollon

Birth Chart Reading

Let’s explore who you are through the perspective of Evolutionary Astrology. In this 1.5-2 hour live call, I’ll not only interpret the placements of your Sun, Moon, Ascendant, and the rest of the planets, but I’ll also be interpreting your nodes of the moon. The south node symbolizes what happened to you in a previous lifetime, and don’t worry if reincarnation isn’t something you’re into, then another way to view the south node is that it represents the bad habits that have been passed down through your DNA. Afterward, I’ll be sharing the remedy to your south node, which is to look at its opposite–the north node. The north node not only helps you evolve from your bad habits but it shows you where you need to head if you want to feel fulfilled by the end of your lifetime. So strap on to your seat belts because we'll be going on quite the ride!

If you’re ready, then please fill out this form to the left, starting by setting your time zone first, and once the form is complete, a Zoom link to our video call will automatically be sent once the payment goes through.

*Time of birth is required!