Pisces Season 2023: Structuring The Ethereal

Even though the year just began a little over a month ago, we’ve reached the end of the zodiac wheel. From Feb. 18th - Mar. 20th, the Sun will traverse through the mystical sign of Pisces. Symbolized by the Fishes, this mutable-water sign is one of the most empathetic, imaginative, and flexible energies in the zodiac. Pisces individuals can easily attune themselves to the energy of their surroundings which gifts them with sensitivity and compassion, making them great intuitive guides to help recover from deep pain. The challenge that can arise with Pisces, however, is there can be sensory overload and will want to avoid feeling those strong emotions by turning to escapist behaviors.

The evolutionary goal for Pisces is to experience consciousness itself–to realize that we don’t experience reality directly, but we experience an awareness of the world. So how does Pisces do that? In a word, meditation, but this term has been convoluted and made to believe that one must travel to the far east and spend a summer in the Himalayas sitting cross-legged in a monastery until you reach enlightenment. That’s not what I mean. Although, if you are a Pisces with Saturn in Sagittarius and the twelfth house, then that might actually pique your interest. When I say meditation, I mean focusing your awareness on your mind; I mean focusing your attention on the present moment. And yes, you can do that sitting cross-legged with your eyes closed focusing on your prefrontal cortex, but you can also experience consciousness by surfing, channeling your muse through art, or staring out into the ocean. Wherever your Pisces planets are located in your chart (what house they are in) will give you further instructions on where you will implement this imaginative energy.

Pisces is about connecting to God, a Higher Power, consciousness, the present moment, your muse, or getting in the flow.

If you don’t have any planets in Pisces, you can still take advantage of this enchanting, spiritual, and creative energy. In the northern hemisphere, the zodiac signs are right on par with describing the energy of the particular section of the season we are in. Pisces is the third and final part of the winter season; it’s this time when it’s still cold, but we know warmer times are on the way. Pisces is the last zodiac sign, so one of the things it symbolizes is endings. This is a great time to contemplate what you want to release before the new zodiac season begins. To me, having a fresh start is more in alignment when Pisces season ends and Aries season begins, than on January 1st. We go from cold to warm, from dark to light, and from endings to beginnings. So this Pisces season, create some time so you can tap into the mystical energy in the air, you never know what messages can come through. And remember, there are many Pisces strategies you can perform, but all that matters is that you have your antennas tuned up to receive the downloads.

Let’s look into some standout transits this season to get a glimpse of what’s to come.

New Moon in Pisces

When the Sun moves into a new sign, that means that we’re also going to get a New Moon just shortly after in the same sign as well. Happening on Feb. 19th @ 11:06 PM PST, this New Moon invites us to go deep within ourselves. In the days leading up to it and the days after the new moon, set some quiet time to be by yourself to tap into your inner voice or channel your muse. Pisces times are divine times when you can receive messages. This can look like meditating (classic style), staring into a fire, finding a scenic viewpoint, or channeling your creativity. If you want to best utilize the Pisces energy, then this is the best time for it. This is the most fertile time in the season to plant your seeds of intention. If you’ve been wanting to start a new spiritual practice or begin a new creative project, then this is it. 

Keywords for Pisces season:

  • Consciousness

  • Imagination

  • Spirituality

  • Enchantment

  • Divinity

  • Boundary-dissolving

  • Compassion

  • Presence

  • Endings

  • Recovery

  • Creativity

  • Source

  • Empathy

  • Flexibility

  • Ethereal

  • Self-transcendence

Venus in Aries

Just a few hours after the New Moon, the Goddess of Love moves into the rawest fire sign in the zodiac. From Feb. 20th - Mar. 16th, Venus will be transiting through Aries. If things are getting a bit boring with your boo, then this is a great time to go on an adventure and let them know how passionate you are to be with them. If you’re looking for a potential partner, Venus in courageous Aries invites you to go back out there and start swinging; you’ll never know when you’ll hit a home run. Venus is the planet of harmony whereas Aries is the sign of going after what you want. In classical astrology, Venus is said to be in its “detriment” when it’s in Aries, but don’t let the wording fool you. Venus and Aries have different agendas but that doesn’t mean they can’t get along. People with this combination love passionately and want the same intensity reciprocated. So during this three-week period, show your lover how much they mean to you or introduce yourself to someone who piques your interest.

Full Moon in Pisces

On March 1st at 4:40 AM the Moon in Virgo will be directly opposite the Sun in Pisces. This Full Moon in Virgo calls our attention to our routines, health, and work. How can we better structure our days to create more efficiency? By tidying up the loose screws in our schedules, we can make more time to tend to the bodies’ needs, aka exercise the body. Clean the house, work out, and check off your to-do list on this Full Moon, just be mindful of the friction in the air because assertive Mars will be squaring the Sun-Moon opposition on this day. If tension does build up, then make sure you exert the energy the Martial way—physical movement.

When Pisces energy gets out of hand:

  • Escapism

  • Addiction

  • Self-imposed martyr

  • Fish out of water

  • Space cadet

  • Shell-shocked

  • Deception

Saturn Enters Pisces

Times are changing. Who hasn’t heard that before? But for real though, for the past six years, Saturn has been traversing through the two signs it rules, Capricorn and Aquarius. From 2017 till now, we’ve been feeling Saturn’s wrath of restriction, responsibilities, solitude, and maturation. At its higher ground, Saturn has helped us grow and give the individual some say by being able to work from home. At its lower vibration, Saturn has made some of us feel even more isolated and given more power to authorities. The planets don’t have a stake in whether you’re happy or sad, they just do their thing. At the individual level, it’s up to you to decide what you do with the energy (circumstances) that are presented to you.

On March 7th, Saturn will ingress into Pisces. So what’s to be expected when the planet of boundary-setting moves into the sign of boundary-dissolving? This combination can help bring structure to spirituality, commitment to creativity, and responsibility to service. Saturn transits through a sign for about three years, more or less, so from Mar. 7th, 2023 - Feb. 13th, 2026, you can take advantage of this time period by getting serious about connecting with the divine and being more conscious of how you can spread compassion. That can transpire in a myriad of ways. You may find yourself picking up a creative practice during this time, you might join a yoga studio, or you might even feel called to be of service like giving back to your community. However you do it, Saturn in Pisces can help you grow spiritually and creatively.

For those who have their Sun, Moon, ascendant, or Saturn in Pisces, you’re going to want to pay close attention to the next three years. Depending on what degree you’re Pisces planet is in, will determine which time period between now and 2026, you’ll be feeling Saturn’s “cosmic paycheck.” In other words, you’ll be receiving what you have earned. If you want a thorough consultation on Saturn’s significance you can order your reading here.

The ringed planet in the sign of Mother Ocean is one of the most important transits of the year (second to Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius). I’ll be curious to see what manifests during the next three years as the planet of structure joins the sign of the ethereal. Will we see more yoga studios pop up? Will we see more power given to religious or spiritual leaders? Will we see the creation of new pharmaceutical drugs? Maybe? But all we can do individually is honor the higher ground of Saturn in Pisces by structuring our imagination, learning how we can be more compassionate, and growing spiritually.

This Pisces season, swim those deep waters, but make sure you come back up for some air.

Happy diving,


Saturn Entering Pisces: Turning Dreams Into Reality


Full Moon in Leo: Express Yourself