Full Moon in Leo: Express Yourself

On Sunday, February 5th @ 1:28 pm EST / 10:28 am PST, the Full Moon wants all the attention. That’s because the Sun is shining bright at the Moon in Leo. Leo thrives on receiving recognition, but the higher ground for Leo is to express our inner contents to an appreciative audience, rather than wanting to suck up all the air in the room. With Leo, if you don’t have butterflies in your tummy, it doesn’t count.

When you look at the astrological chart of a Full Moon, what you’ll see is the Sun is directly opposite to the Moon. This 180-degree aspect, called an opposition, represents tension. And since the Moon represents our emotions, Full Moons tend to heighten our emotions.

With the Moon in Leo, the theme this weekend will be to express what’s in our inside to the outside world, even if it is to one person. The evolutionary goal for Leo is to feel comfortable inside ourselves to be seen in front of a crowd. That Leo expression can look like being a leader, creating art, telling a joke, spontaneously dancing, or telling someone how you really feel. What matters is that at least one person acknowledges your form of expression.

Full Moons are already a time where our emotions get highlighted, but with this one coming up, there is excitement, unexpectedness, and friction in the air. Uranus will be squaring the Sun and Moon which means you can expect the unexpected. This wildcard planet can add up more fuel to the dramatic lower expression of Leo. Watch out for prima-donna energy and wanting attention for attention’s sake. Leo does require recognition, but make sure it’s for expressing what is real inside of you. Whatever surprises can come at you, you have two choices: you can hop on the wild bronco and enjoy the ride or you can allow it to create emotional chaos.

We also have Venus and Mars in a square this weekend. The planet of love, harmony, and creativity (Venus), is joining up with the planet of drive, assertion, and passion (Mars). What happens when the planet of love and the planet of passion get together in a friction-based relationship? This makes it so their energies will definitely be felt. The higher ground is we get passionate love. The lower ground is we get into arguments. With Mars in Gemini, make sure you voice your vulnerability. With Venus in Pisces, make sure you hear others with compassion. And if things do get heated with your lover, who doesn’t love makeup sex?

All in all, the theme for this Full Moon in Leo is to feel safe to express yourself. Allow the contents of your mind to be made visible. Have the courage to be seen and heard. Be spontaneous. Be in the moment. If curve balls are thrown at you, roll with the punches. Drama can ensue, but if there’s any sign in the zodiac that can go from crying to laughing, it’s Leo.


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