Transiting Mars in Gemini


The God of War has moved into the sign of The Twins!

Mars will be in Gemini from August 20, 2022, through March 25, 2023.

That’s quite the time for Mars to be in a sign. Mars usually only lasts forty-five days in a sign. Not only am I excited about this astrological phenomenon because I have Mars in Gemini, but more importantly, Mars is going to stay longer than it usually does in a sign. Why? Because it will be stationing retrograde through its movement through Gemini. This means that we will have more time to learn the lesson of this transit.

And what is that lesson?

Well, let’s first explore the meaning behind these two symbols first. Because of the red planet’s extended stay in the curious sign of Gemini, and because I natally have this placement, I was inspired to create a guide for this seven-month-long transit.

In this guide, we’ll explore what Mars and Gemini represent individually and what they mean when they get together. Furthermore, I’ll provide horoscopes so that you can understand what area in your life this incredibly curious energy will be taking place for you. Lastly, I’ll be sharing some insights for those that natally have Mars in Gemini because they’ll be experiencing their Mars Return!

The Red Planet

What does Mars symbolize?

There are three symbols that make up astrology: planets, signs, and houses. Planets in a birth chart symbolize a particular function in one’s psyche. Back in the day, way way back, Mars was known as The God of War. This red planet was associated with pure aggression, while there is some truth to that, there is a more empowering interpretation of Mars nowadays. So what psyche function does Mars symbolize?

If I could boil down the meaning to one word for Mars, it would be courage. Wherever Mars is located in your chart, that is the part where you going to learn how to be plucky. The sign which Mars is in will give you the motivation and the house will inform where in your life you will have to stand up.

Mars’ Function: courage, assertiveness, will to live, sex drive, survival instinct, adventure, protector, warrior.

The reason why I fell in love with Evolutionary Astrology, is that this branch of astrology believes in the power of choice. Individuals have the free will to decide how the astrological symbols will play themselves out. Evolutionary Astrologers don’t believe humans are static, fixed individuals; we also don’t sugarcoat things. We advise clients of the spectrum of possibilities that the symbols represent. We look at the shadow, and we look at the light. The sole determiner of what will be expressed is the level of consciousness of the individual.

The sign that your Mars occupies will seek to express itself whether you consciously do so or not. When you are self-aware, then you can express the higher ground of what the sign symbolizes and what Mars represents (courage, protection). Now, if you don’t properly harness the fiery energy of Mars, then its shadow will come out.

Mars’ Dysfunction: rage, aggression, insensitivity, volatility, argumentative, cruelness, irritability.

So whenever we’re looking at Mars, the core questions you want to ask yourself are:
How can I sharpen my will and how can I develop my courage?

The Twins

What does Gemini symbolize?

If planets symbolize a particular psyche’s function, then signs flavor the planets and give them meaning, underlying agendas, motivations, and strategies. The evolutionary goal for Gemini is to cultivate an open mind.

How does one achieve that?

By following the threads of one’s curiosity. By absorbing all the information that the world has to offer. By gorging yourself with experience. By exploring. By giving life permission to not make any sense. By viewing boredom as kryptonite. By learning. By asking questions. By having conversations, especially with people who have different perspectives as you. By packing the experience of seven lifetimes into one.

Gemini is symbolized by The Twins: two beings hell-bent on unraveling the secret of the world.

As you can begin to see, if you feed Gemini the energy that it craves, you won’t be rigid in your thinking. What person can be dogmatic, when they learn that there’s more than one way on how to live life? What person can be close-minded, when they’ve experienced mind-stretching conversations with people who were raised differently? How can one be a fundamentalist, when they allow life to surprise them with all the data they’ve gathered from their adventures?

Gemini’s higher expression: curious, open-minded, expresses one’s true voice, great communicator, and has phenomenal observational skills.

Gemini’s lower expression: chatty Cathy (one who only talks and doesn’t listen), disorganized, doesn’t commit, wastes time, and is distracted.

Being curious, allowing life to not make any sense, and constantly learning is the path for The Twins.

That’s how they cultivate an open mind.

So then, what does Mars in Gemini mean for us?

Transits are like forecasts. Just like meteorologists use weather radar to predict the weather, astrologers use transits to help us understand the meaning of the planetary movements.

So, with Mars being in Gemini for the next seven months what is the meaning behind this transit?

Well, if Mars symbolizes courage and assertiveness.

And if Gemini symbolizes curiosity, communication, and open-mindedness.

Then Mars in Gemini can teach us how to be brave in having our voices heard. So don’t be shy about voicing your opinion. Feel the fear and say it anyway. Have those challenging conversations. Assert yourself in circumstances when people are trying to get the upper hand. When adventure calls, you answer. Have the courage to go where your curiosity wants to take you. Take that course or workshop that will enhance your intellectual capabilities. Start a writing or speaking (podcast, youtube, reels, etc.) project. Is there an opportunity to teach? Then take it! In a nutshell, Mars in Gemini will synchronistically present us with opportunities to have the courage to speak up and to follow where our curiosity is leading us.

Higher Ground Mars in Gemini:

  • Speaks up bravely

  • Defends those that can’t speak up

  • Is passionate about following what peaks their interests

  • When adventure calls, you answer

  • Is driven to learn

  • When you encounter an intellectual challenge, you dive deeper into your education to develop your confidence in that particular area of knowledge

  • Works on the art of conflict resolution

Lower Ground Mars in Gemini:

  • Is quick to draw conclusions without hearing all of the facts

  • Sharp tongue

  • Combative with words

  • Foot-in-mouth moments

  • Impulsivity

  • Trying to win conversations even when wrong

  • Being sly with words

Mars in Gemini Horoscopes

Now that we know what Mars in Gemini can teach us, let’s look at where this curious nature will take place for you.

One important thing I do want to note. I use the Placidus house system (a lot of you might not know what that even means, but for those that do), which means that signs may be intercepted and particular signs may rule more than one house. And what this signifies for some of you, is that Mars in Gemini will fall in a different house (throughout its seven-month trek through Gemini) according to what degree your rising sign begins. This is the challenging aspect of giving horoscopes to the general population; sometimes the horoscope doesn’t really land for you. So for some of you, Mars in Gemini will transit through two maybe even three houses!

If you are interested in a more personal, dead-on horoscope reading, I’m actually offering transit and progression readings–or how I like to call them ‘What You’re Going Through’ Readings--which will be super dialed in into your chart. We’ll be able to explore what you just went through, what you’re currently going through, and help you prepare for the future. This isn’t a fortune-telling reading where I’ll be predicting what exactly happens to you externally, but what I can guide you in is in learning the meaning behind what the astrological symbols are representing. Maybe you’re going through a challenging time and need answers. I know I did when I was going through my Saturn’s Return at age 29—which is the astrological rite of passage into adulthood. Knowing I was going through this transit helped me spend more time in solitude and in knowing that if I stay on course with facing my fears head-on, I will be much wiser and mature by the time the transit ends. Or maybe you’re going through your Uranus Opposition which happens in one’s early 40s and is what’s known in our culture as “midlife crisis.” Knowing what phase in life you’re going through can help you stay centered so you know that what’s happening isn’t random—there’s actual meaning. Whether you’re going through a tough time or just want to be more in alignment with your nature, receiving a ’What You’re Going Through’ Reading can support you.

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s see where you’ll be following your curiosity and speaking up.

To try and get an accurate horoscope, you’ll have to know your rising or ascendant sign. If you don’t know it already, you’ll need your exact time of birth, birthplace, and birthday and input it into a free birth chart calculator like the one at Astro Dienst.

Aries Rising 

Communicating, learning, teaching, short-distance travels, switching up your routines

My fellow Ram Risings, for you, this curious, communicative energy is emphasized. Why? Because we have Mars in the third sign (Gemini) and in the third house (the house of communication). Although signs and houses are not the same, they do have an affinity for one another. Signs are motivational whereas houses are behavioral. So there is a strong motivation to pursue your curiosity and actually do something about it. Maybe you take on a writing project, start a podcast, take a short trip, sign up for a class, or just stand up and be heard in conversations. Be mindful about communication because things can get heated.

Taurus Rising 

Money, self-worth, acquiring the skills that support you financially and enhance your confidence

There are going to be challenges presented to prove yourself to yourself. Mars in Gemini is happening in your second house, so traditionally it is about money, but just as important is acquiring the skills and resources that can support you financially. So having the courage to sign up for taking a class or applying for a job or asking for a raise that you know will get you to the next level. In order to call in what you desire, you have to feel worthy of deserving it first. So show yourself that you’re ready by feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

Gemini Rising 

Leadership, the body, freedom, decisive action

For you, it’s all about taking decisive action, even if there is insufficient information. Have the courage to move forward. Don’t allow fear or others to make decisions for you. Accept the challenges being presented. Speak up. Create choices that will lead to more freedom. Confidence is enhanced through taking small courageous actions. And courage is about feeling fear and doing it anyways. Mars in Gemini is happening in the first house, which is all about you. This period will be about training your assertive muscle and your actual physical muscles. 

Cancer Rising 

Consciousness, spirituality, getting in the flow, solitude, meditation

The archetype of the spiritual warrior is evident for the next seven months. Have the courage to face your spiritual fears. Whether that’s going within, working with a therapist, or doing something that scares you like skydiving. Whatever it is, you’re being presented with an opportunity to stay grounded no matter what happens. Explore consciousness during this period and seek freedom from the worry of the ups and downs of life.

Leo Rising 

Setting goals, priorities, friends, networking

Setting long-term goals that require courage. Get clear as to who you want to become and what you want to accomplish and set your priorities in order. Those priorities may involve having the courage to let people and even friends go. Align to a tribe that will help you get to where you want to go. This may include getting out of your comfort zone and networking to find people who are on a similar wavelength to you.

Virgo Rising 

Mission, career, serving your community, being seen

Your mission in the world is being highlighted. Take courageous action in moving the needle in your career. Start that project, start that side hustle, apply for that job, and ask for that raise. It’s time to be seen by your community, so take action to let your people know what you’re up to. You’re being presented with the opportunity to align more fully to a life where you can wake up each morning excited to go to work.

Libra Rising 

Faith, meaning, model of life, traveling, education, religion, philosophy, exotic cultures, alien ways of living life

Having the courage to pursue meaning in life. Go on adventures that will expand your perspective in life. Break up your routines. This is a great time to travel, especially to areas that stretch your comfort zone. This is also a great time to expand your education. Have you been wanting to apply to that school or invest in that program? Well, this is it! Also, don’t be scared about encounters with people or philosophies that are different than you; they can help you cultivate faith and realize that there’s more than one way to do live. Above all, have the courage to stretch your horizons.

Scorpio Rising 

Unresolved wounds, intense emotions, sexuality, bonding partner, death, other people’s money

Having the courage to be honest and speak about what you want to accomplish in this life. Death serves as a great counselor because contemplating on it can light a fire under your ass. What is important and what is not becomes crystal clear when you meditate on death. Also, have the courage to have those difficult conversations with your partner. They will strengthen your passion for one another and don’t be surprised if some of your most fiery love-making arises from those conversations. This is a juicy time to explore your sexuality! Unresolved wounds may get triggered during this period, so honesty and courage are your best friends.

Sagittarius Rising 

Close relationships, marriage, compromise, listening, open enemies

Having the courage to be heard in your close relationships. There are some topics that you would rather avoid, but in order to strengthen your relationships, some topics need to be had. Have the courage to have them and learn the art of intimate conflict resolution. If things get heated, breathe, try to remain grounded, and hear the other while still remembering to speak your truth. The secret to long-term intimacy is going into the fire and coming out alive.

Capricorn Rising 

Meaningful responsibilities and work, health, daily rituals

Having the courage to find meaningful work. Have you been wanting that raise or have you been wanting to apply to that job or have you been wanting to pursue your own thing? Now is the time. If you don’t go after what you desire for what you do for a living, then synchronistically, the universe will present the lower expression of Mars in the sixth house: attracting drama at your workplace or attracting an angry boss. You deserve to feel passionate about what you do for a living. Now is the time to show the universe that you mean business.

Aquarius Rising 

Self-expression, creativity, receiving applause, romance, vulnerability

Having the courage to creatively express oneself. Having the courage to speak on stage. Having the courage to be seen and receive applause, recognition, and admiration for revealing who you truly are. If you have butterflies in your stomach, then you know you’re doing a great job. This time may present an opportunity to engage in a creative outlet. It may be dancing, singing, podcasting, writing, or exercising; what all these activities have in common is that they express who you are and can be seen by at least one other person. It could also be just expressing yourself to your romantic partner. It’s time to be seen and appreciated.

Pisces Rising

Home, family, nurturance, inner work, emotional work, meditation

Having the courage to resolve matters at home. Above all, it’s about having the courage to go internally and face the truth. Have the emotional courage to face your inner world and see what it is trying to show you. Things can get heated at home, but having those challenging conversations can strengthen your home base. Defend those that you love!

What if I have Mars in Gemini natally?

For you, my friends, this courageous action in speaking up and following your curiosity will be emphasized. You’ve probably heard of Saturn’s Return, but how about Mars’ Return? We really don’t hear it in the zeitgeist because a Mars revolution around the Sun is around two Earth years, whereas a Saturn year is around 27-30 Earth years! The reason why I wanted to bring it up is for the fact that Mars usually doesn’t spend that much time in a sign. But not for us! 

This is a great time to make tremendous progress in the area (the house) in which you have your natal Mars. I’m excited because I have my Mars in Gemini in the tenth house. I’m currently nearing the end of my second year of Steven Forrest’s online school, FCEA, and I’ve been working on creating a merch line where I’ll be selling clothes with my designs in them. Plus, I want to take more action in being heard and seen in my community by posting more on social media, creating blogs, and sending emails. There is so much I want to do with my business as an astrologer and with the action I’m already taking, I know I’ll be moving the needle with my career by March of next year.

Here are some key themes around Mars to remember (and make sure to apply them to your house):

  • Take courageous action

  • Train your assertive muscle

  • Feel the fear but move forward anyway

  • Don’t let panic take hold of the steering wheel

  • Exhale or else you’ll implode

  • Let off steam

  • Physical exercise (there’s a reason why MARtial arts is named that way)

  • Be brave

  • Defend

  • Funnel the fiery energy at your disposal

Watch out for Mars’ dysfunction:

  • Rage

  • Selfishness

  • Fear

  • Volatility 

  • Insensitivity

  • Irritability

  • Violence

  • Resentment

  • Depression

Embody your warrior archetype and move the needle in your specific Gemini house!

Final words

Well, I hope you enjoyed this guide on Mars transiting through Gemini. I hope it finds you well and I hope it can guide you in the right direction—enhancing your level of consciousness.

If you want to dive deeper into understanding what is going on in your life, then receiving a ‘What You’re Going Through’ Reading is what you’re looking for!


  • Be brave

  • Stand up for yourself

  • And follow where your curiosity wants to lead you

All the best,


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